If you are the owner of a private corporation, you have considered the potential for creditors to seize your company’s cash and investment assets through costly lawsuits. Creditor protected assets are sought after because of the possible loss that could ruin the continuity of the company and/or perhaps even a retirement nest egg that’s tucked away in your corporation.
With a life insurance contract, there is creditor protection for that policy amount when an irrevocable beneficiary is named, other than an estate or a revocable beneficiary is named that is either the spouse, children, grandchildren or parent of the policy owner. Additionally, segregated funds, which are insurance backed professionally managed investments, also provides creditor protection.
Business owners that invest retained earnings in regular financial instruments within an operating company can put these funds at risk. However, investing in one of the above insurance products instead will protect them from creditor claims, except in very limited circumstances.
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Consulting with a professional advisor including your Lawyer, Accountant as well as an Insurance and Financial Advisor can provide recommended strategies to oversee your assets are creditor protected.
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