When most people think about insurance, they usually think about income protection for their family. One needs to consider the financial impact a premature death of an income provider would have on their family. The same holds true for true for a critical illness or disability that could stop you from working. In either case you could lose any savings you may have just to pay your bills and medical costs. Protecting your ability to earn an income is fundamental to ensuring the stability of your financial affairs and is indeed one of the major reasons for insurance.

There are, however, other considerations as well. For instance, as life expectancy continually gets better, we are living longer and we need to be sure we have enough money to last our entire lives. Is it possible you might outlive your money? This would take into consideration additional out of pocket costs that might be associated with managing long term care or other wealth eroding needs. Insurance products are also used to enhance and protect your wealth, both during your lifetime and for your beneficiaries.

Life insurance not only provides protection, but can be an integral part of any successful financial or estate plan. Putting the right plan in place will allow the maximum estate wealth transfer, minimize taxes, and can even create charitable legacy. It also allows for tax sheltered accumulation and creditor protection. Business financial planning can significantly benefit from the various strategies available to secure business assets and maintain the continuity of the business.

It’s important to have the proper insurance to meet your needs and to have it regularly reviewed to meet new financial goals and needs as changes and milestones in your life occur. We go through various stages in our life and at each stage or change, whether its personal or business, a new review should be conducted to keep you on track.

The following are the various types of Insurance available:

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